''Ídolos'' is a Portuguese reality television show based on the popular British show Pop Idol. The show is a contest to determine the best young singer in Portugal. The first two seasons were hosted by Sílvia Alberto and Pedro Granger. The show, then went to a sort of hiatus, and, after only a lukewarm reaction by the viewers for season two, the show has officially been replaced by another casting show on its broadcast station, ''Família Superstar'', which ended in 2008. After an absence for four years the show returned for a third season to SIC in fall 2009 now with João Manzarra and Cláudia Vieira hosting. Season 3 finished in February 2010, and Season 4 started in September. Ídolos had three audition cities to find the best talent in all of Portugal, including: Porto, Beja and Lisbon. However, in the third and fourth seasons, auditions were made in Porto, Lisbon, Aveiro, Portimão and Estoril. The show did not return in fall 2011 but instead returned on 2012. The show is currently on hiatus since late 2012, since then their timeslot for 2013 has been taken over by ''Factor X'', the Portuguese version of ''The X Factor''. ==Ídolos Host== In the first and second season: * Pedro Granger * Sílvia Alberto In the third, fourth and fifth season: * Cláudia Vieira * João Manzarra 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ídolos (Portuguese TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク